Our itinerary

We will visit all of New England with the exception of Vermont on this journey. Connecticut will also be a bit of a drive-by, but hey, it still counts.

We will start in Long Island, New York, visiting family at the beach. Next, we journey by ferry to Connecticut and drive to Newport, Rhode Island, land of the wealthy.

After an evening there, we will drive to Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire by way of Plymouth Rock to stay with dear friends in their summer home.

After New Hampshire, we will trek to Portland/Kennebunk/Kennebunkport, Maine to check out lighthouses.

Our New England journey will end with a visit to Boston, Massachusetts.

And as an added bonus, we will then fly to North Carolina to visit "nana."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We're back.

June 30, 2010

HM: I already got sunburn! And I hate it hate it hate it! I am going to soccer camp this week at a high school near my house. That’s how I got sunburn. But the best part is that we get to go up to the wrestling room after lunch I’m there until 4:00 and it starts @ 9:00, so I’m there all day. And the other best part is my best friend is there with me her name is Erin. I love being with her. Well here comes summer!!!!!

EM: I love summer. I’m happy that summer is here. I like my new floors. Maggie slips and slides. It’s very funny. I got a new DS game – Petz Nursery. I can’t wait until I go on my trip.

VM: OK, finding time to write is already proving to be a challenge. Our last week has been spent moving back into our home, cleaning, unpacking, cleaning, unpacking, cleaning! It’s actually quite cathartic as we feel like we’re getting a fresh start in a new home. I have used the opportunity to minimize “stuff.” HM & I suffer from developing emotional attachments to things. EM and dad not so much.

Girls got excellent report cards. Each got to choose a treat for their effort. Fashion plate HM went for a duo of hats. She’s even figured out how to bring them on the trip -- wear one, pack the smooshy one -- although mom has made it PAINFULLY clear that she will not be responsible for, track down or hold onto any wayward hats. EM picked a new DS game to play on the plane. Ever practical.

Starting to map out our routes on freetrip.com. Will also ask Grandpa Bob for some ideas as he’s brilliant with navigation. And, as a final help, we invested in a small GPS. We’ve been testing it out around our hometown. I have HM do all the programming so she’ll be able to manage it when we are in New England. We have Australian Lee telling us where to turn. Now if I could just learn to stop arguing with Lee, we'd be in good shape…

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