Our itinerary

We will visit all of New England with the exception of Vermont on this journey. Connecticut will also be a bit of a drive-by, but hey, it still counts.

We will start in Long Island, New York, visiting family at the beach. Next, we journey by ferry to Connecticut and drive to Newport, Rhode Island, land of the wealthy.

After an evening there, we will drive to Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire by way of Plymouth Rock to stay with dear friends in their summer home.

After New Hampshire, we will trek to Portland/Kennebunk/Kennebunkport, Maine to check out lighthouses.

Our New England journey will end with a visit to Boston, Massachusetts.

And as an added bonus, we will then fly to North Carolina to visit "nana."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We leave tomorrow.

VM: Someone told me you have to have discipline to write a blog. I wouldn't consider myself undisciplined, but if getting a blog post written is any indication, I'm a total mess. Between the girls, work, basically LIFE, I'm finding it challenging. We will need to figure out a good time when we're on the road.

We are leaving TOMORROW! Vacay officially started today with the "getting everything/everyone organized" day. Girls were packed by 9am. Shorts. T-shirts. Bathing suits. And of course, Hannah's two hats.

We all officially went into relax mode today at 3pm when we went to the nail salon to get pampered and beautified. Cristina, the girls' nanny, also came along as a birthday treat from us. She is going back to El Salvador for the next three weeks after being gone 20 years. I can't wait to hear her impressions.

Here is our first official vacay picture. Guess who's who.

Work has been out of control the last week due to an unforeseen circumstance. It was most definitely one of the most challenging crisis management situations of my career. Thankfully, the support of John, the girls and prayer helped me through. Without being a downer, all I can say is that I'm looking forward to my time with HM and EM more than ever.

Two weekends ago, before work went kablooey, we got one major summer endeavor done. The new floors look AWESOME. House is back in order and we feel very accomplished. We have all worked hard, but John has sweated buckets building and moving furniture, reorganizing the garage, fixing things, etc. etc. Because of him and IKEA, we have a brand new office. Fantastic.

I've posted "before" and "after" photos. Maggie let herself be volunteered to pose in the new digs and even howled in happiness that the project is done.

Next time you'll hear from us, we'll be in Long Island.... Adios.

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