Our itinerary

We will visit all of New England with the exception of Vermont on this journey. Connecticut will also be a bit of a drive-by, but hey, it still counts.

We will start in Long Island, New York, visiting family at the beach. Next, we journey by ferry to Connecticut and drive to Newport, Rhode Island, land of the wealthy.

After an evening there, we will drive to Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire by way of Plymouth Rock to stay with dear friends in their summer home.

After New Hampshire, we will trek to Portland/Kennebunk/Kennebunkport, Maine to check out lighthouses.

Our New England journey will end with a visit to Boston, Massachusetts.

And as an added bonus, we will then fly to North Carolina to visit "nana."

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day Two.

VM: We are living the Hamptons lifestyle and lovin' it.

Yesterday was filled with boating, beaching, relaxing and indulging in good food and wine. Cousins have become fast friends, hanging as if they hang out with each other every day, even though it's been four years since they last saw each other.

In the morning we cruised the bay admiring beautiful multi-million dollar homes. Blows my mind that these are primarily SUMMER homes. Homes used for just three months. Crazy.

In the afternoon, we took the girls tubing. Aidan was at tennis so he missed the outing which he later told us was completely unacceptable -- "You went tubing without me!?!?"

HM & EM both had a BLAST tubing and hung on for dear life. Neal and Sarah also water skied. I just enjoyed the speed, the sun and the ocean breezes.
Later we hit the beach club for a short visit. Not sure that was a total hit as the water was 70 degrees which to us Floridians is FREEZING. Girls also had problems navigating the North Atlantic waves and at one point we had to engage the young lifeguards to help pull them in. Needless to say, not their favorite part of the trip, nor mommy's.

Adult evening was spent at the golf club for cocktails and then afterwards, Starr Boggs, a local Westhampton eatery, for dinner. Delicious. Kids went to Despicable Me with the babysitter. They had a blast and reported the movie was AWESOME.

EM:I had a good time with my cousins. I had a fun time on the boat. I also went to the beach!!!

HM: The 2nd day was great!!!! We went tubing and I flipped OFF the tube! Then it looked like they were 100 yards away when I got up!!! But I got right back up on the tube. I had so much fun!!!! Later we went to the movies. It was hilarious. We saw Despicable Me. I loved it!!!!!!! We even had a babysitter named Jeannine like my next door neighbor.

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