Our itinerary

We will visit all of New England with the exception of Vermont on this journey. Connecticut will also be a bit of a drive-by, but hey, it still counts.

We will start in Long Island, New York, visiting family at the beach. Next, we journey by ferry to Connecticut and drive to Newport, Rhode Island, land of the wealthy.

After an evening there, we will drive to Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire by way of Plymouth Rock to stay with dear friends in their summer home.

After New Hampshire, we will trek to Portland/Kennebunk/Kennebunkport, Maine to check out lighthouses.

Our New England journey will end with a visit to Boston, Massachusetts.

And as an added bonus, we will then fly to North Carolina to visit "nana."

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day one.

VM: We started vacay yesterday with EM falling flat on her face. Being that she always wants to be the one in charge -- she must get that from John -- she insisted on picking up the computer bag instead of rolling it like had been suggested. Needless to say she tripped over it and went flying across the front sidewalk. Thankfully, no knees were scraped, teeth knocked out or clothes ripped. And best of all, she didn't hear her sister snickering.

Plane ride went well. 12 wheelchairs. Had to be some sort of record. The poor Southwest flight attendant kept saying, "If any of you can walk, it will speed this process." Sadly, it was pretty funny.

We arrived to be greeted by Nana Donny and Neal. Wonderful to see them both. We headed out to Neal and Peggy's beautiful Hamptons summer home straight out of Coastal Living. Beautifully appointed. Beautifully decorated.

It was wonderful to see the cousins getting to know each other. Sarah, Aidan and Margaux were perfect hosts, welcoming the girls and taking them on exploration adventures right away. It was great to see.

And Lucy, the family's four-legged kid, was a sweetheart. We all had to give her lots of lovin' thinking of our own Maggie at home.

Off to the beach now. Not sure I'll be able to bear the Atlantic cold waters, but we'll see....

EM: I fell. It hurt. Hannah is annoying. I met my cousin Margaux. Nana Donny is here to too. We are going on the boat and to the beach!!! Let's have a GREAT day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HM: Emma fell flat on her. I am not annoying! Emma is annoying. Look even on-line we fight!!!!! Wait, that's not good!!!! the plane ride was fine and my 1st day was GREAT! Now we are going into another day!!!I I also went on a dirt bike and it was so much F-U-N-!

Then my cousin Aidan took me on the sand bar! We found seaglass ! There's also swans near their house. They are vicious. They hiss and look like they are going to bite!!! Sometimes they scare me!! I had so much fun with my cousins. Today my cousin Sarah is going to teach me how to surf. I hope I have another day like yesterday. Here comes vacay!!!!!


  1. This is a great blog! I'm very much enjoying reading it. Sounds like you are off to a great start. Great photos, too. Have fun. I'll check back later. Your friend from the Diner, Harriet

  2. By the way, I can't wait to see the surfing photos. That water is quite a bit colder than our water here, I'm sure. Good luck!
